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Bridge Build Puzzle


About Bridge Build Puzzle

Bridge Build Puzzle is a physics-based puzzle game that builds bridges. Your task is to make sure the bridges support the weight of the vehicle.

Bridge Build Puzzle is a difficult, physics-based online puzzle and multi-level building game in which you must show creativity in engineering and a strong commitment to problem-solving in order to build sturdy bridges that support the passage of cars across bridges. You must slowly and carefully drop construction supplies into the target area in increasing stages, all the while praying that the awaiting vehicle may pass safely through your work. without overturning.

As you attempt to construct bridges that are strong enough in each level of the game Bridge Build Puzzle, your goal is to use your analytical thinking abilities, your creative thinking, and your fundamental physics judgment. Winning tactic: The good ol' trial and error method is crucial to your success in this situation. If you don't succeed the first time, try to identify what went wrong and change the design of your bridge. During construction, consider using gravity to your advantage. Track the development of the car as you create it for hints on where to adjust the axle.

How to play

Click to perform the action you want when building a bridge.

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